The front door logo is orange and gray on a white background.
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The front door logo is orange and gray on a white background.
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New American Home Shield Associate Makes The Right Call And Saves Lives

When Seth Bachman, an American Home Shield Call Center customer service associate, reported to work recently, he had no idea that one of his decisions could have life or death consequences. A new hire who had only been on the job for about a month, Bachman was in service training when he answered a call from a customer in Louisville, Ky.

“The customer was following up on a telephone work order,” Bachman remembers. “She thought she might have an electrical problem, and said that she smelled a plastic, burning odor." Based on his training and his personal experience, Bachman knew that the burning smell could signal something serious, so he escalated the call and contacted the contractor directly.

Oldham County Electric in Crestwood, Ky., was able to dispatch a technician to the customer’s home within the hour. The technician found not an electrical problem but an actual fire that had started in the attic. Thanks to Bachman’s quick thinking and the contractor’s quick action, a potential tragedy was averted for the family.

“In the short time he has been with us, Seth has demonstrated all the key traits that AHS values,” said Karen Parris, senior vice president of Service, Quality and Training. “We’re very proud of Seth and his fast, sound decision making.”

Doing the right thing was all in a day’s work, according to Bachman. “Anytime I can help a customer, I’m more than willing to do whatever is within my authority to do,” he said.

Many thanks to Seth Bachman and to Oldham County Electric for putting the best interests of our customer first!

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